Friday, February 20, 2009

Age Appropriate

Random Thought

The first time ever I thought to myself, “am I dressing my age?” The thought occurred to me when I was driving to work this morning. I pass junior high students walking to school on my way into work, and I noticed that some of the girls were wearing the same sort of clothes I am. Oh dear, I am dressing like girls who are half my age!!! What is the cut off age of how you should dress? Is 10 years above and below your age or 5? I always read in magazines and when I watch What Not to Wear (Love the show. I secretly just want to dress horribly so I can get on the show and have a whole new wardrobe. But with one condition, they always shop at expensive stores; I would want to spend the money at Target, Kohls and all the fun stores at the malls here in Vegas.) Oh back to what I was saying. Most women’s dressing problems in these sorts of shows occur when they dress like others who are younger/older then them. I just find it so funny, who new that thought would ever cross my mind, I know I didn’t.


Ashley said...

Hey Heather! Will you send me your email address? Thanks girl!

Lauren said...

Ha ha! I think there is just some stylish middle schoolers out there then! I remember you always dressed super nice and cute!! No worries. You are a babe no matter the age!

Trent & Tara said...

funny that you posted this. I thought the same exact thing the other day. We were at my brother Jacob's wedding and I looked at all of my sisters and felt so out of style and ugly. They are all so cute, and I am just in my old plain clothes...I just feel like a frumpy mother who doesn't know what is in style. Not to mention I haven't really gone shopping in years. So, I told Trent unless he wants to take me to a therapist then he must let me go shopping. But, I feel like when I do go shopping I don't know what to buy. It's so annoying. I would also luv to be on that show. but, shop at the stores you told me about.

Boren Family said...

Dude I totally think that all the time about myself. I walked into tilly's about a year ago and felt an old maid. It was all high school kids so needless to say I haven't been back since. Oh and I love your style. When I have money someday I need to take you shopping with me :)

Kelly said...

It SUCKS to grow old! I am only 28 and I'm already doing old woman things like; wearing night cream (tee-hee), driving a minivan, and drinking Diet Coke... Being OLD comes sooner than you think! :{

Nate and Felicia said...

I agree, but then I look at Nate's mom who is extreme, trying to dress like a teenager, and then I think that I am ok. I love the way you dress, I always have.

Boren Family said...

Hey Heather Feather! I don't think I have your number anymore. I wanted to see if you wanted to get together this weekend. Call me!