Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I want to apologize for how many pictures I have posted. I couldn't decide and I love them all, but this isn't even half of them. Yes we took alot of pictures. You don't have to look at all of them, if you don't want to. Double click the slide show it will take you where I made them and you can just select the ones you want to view.

I hope you enjoy and it took me a bit longer to post then I anticipated.


Chris S Green said...

VOONDABAR! That is my rusty TV German for WONDERFUL!
Smart for taking this opportunity to visit such wonderful far away places.
kiss from da momma

Lauren said...

WOw! So cool! I'm super jealous!!

The Good Ol Days said...

gootintoffinn. Okay I made that word up, it kind of sounds German right? You spreken z German? Great pictures Heather. What was your favorite place?

Nicole Woods said...

I love all of the pictures! How fun!